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Showing posts from July, 2008

Chim Chim's First

July 13 marks the 1st birthday of our pamangkin Giann Mathieu Joanes... whew! lagi taas kaayo ug pangalan, makabuang. Anyhow, the celebration was held on July 19 to allow others from Cotabato City to join in (his mother's side). It wasn't a very big party. We just had to put on our Baby/Kid's Attire, there were 2 lechons and even 2 huge birthday cakes. There were food ranging from beef caldereta to crabs, shrimps, duck and etc. hehehhe.. It was a great night, it didn't rain nor was it too humid. And everyone had fun. Dad hired a Dance Instructor for the night and all I could say is.. It was heck of a tiring night... My legs hurt and my tummy ached.. hahahahha.. too much eating I guess. There goes my weight ... =) Go through my pix for more photos of the event.